6 Ways To Use LinkedIn To Promote Your Kindle Book

When marketing, authors often overlook LinkedIn, but this is a huge mistake. LinkedIn can be an excellent way of promoting your Kindle book, especially if it’s a non-fiction title. And, as LinkedIn is generally less crowded than Instagram and Facebook, you may find you have an easier time being seen. In this article we’re going […]

5 Ways to Build A Writing Habit to Get Your Kindle Book Completed Faster.

1. Write down your habit intention in bold writing. If you are going to successfully build a writing habit which means you are producing consistent output every day in order to get that Kindle book finished faster then it is absolutely crucial for you to put this intention down in writing and be very specific. […]

3 Ways to Generate More Sales from Your Kindle Book by Format Converting

converting your book to an audiobook can increase sales

A good, but generally underutilised way of making more sales from your Kindle book is by converting it to a different format. Sounds tricky and complicated? Well, you’ll be pleased to know it isn’t. In this article I am going to break down the main formats you can covert your Kindle book to in order […]

6 Ways of Overcoming Writers Block

taking a scenic walk can help smash writers block

Writers block is something that all authors face from time to time, many assume that there is no way to overcome and it will subside on it’s own, but that’s not the case. There are a number of proven strategies and techniques for overcoming writers block successfully so you can get further along with your […]

5 Ways to Get Support When Writing Your Kindle Book.

Having the right support is essential to reaching your Kindle goals.

Being an author and launching a Kindle book is incredibly hard work and we all need some support and guidance from time to time. But how do you go about getting it? Well, below, I have broken down the main ways of getting high quality support and guidance from others that really get, have been […]

4 Ways of Formatting Your Book Text for the Kindle Format.

In order for your book to appear properly across the ever-growing versions of Kindle devices, it’s absolutely crucial that you format things correctly while you are writing and once you have completed the writing process. Getting the formatting right, as easily as possible will potentially save you a lot of headache and drama further down […]

5 Ways To Write Better Amazon Kindle Book Listing Descriptions.

Your Kindle listing book description has a huge impact on your Kindle sales. The more interesting, engaging, useful and persuasive your Kindle book description is, the more likely you will be to convert a higher proportion of visitors to customers. Often authors are overwhelmed when it comes to writing their Kindle book description, as they […]

3 Ways to Properly Take Your Kindle Book International

Taking your Kindle book international can rally catapult your sales as you go beyond your home market, opening you up to millions more potential customers. However, taking your book to other countries is not always completely straight forward and there are a handful of pitfuls you should be mindful of and avoid if you are […]

5 Ways to Get Valuable Early Feedback on Your Kindle Book.

The right piece of feedback can really transform your Kindle book for the better and implementing the right advice at the right time can really be the difference between success and failure in many cases. But, how do you go about getting useful, thoughtful, actionable advice? Well, it’s not as difficult as you might think […]

6 Ways To Promote Your Kinde Book On Pinterest

Facebook, Twitter and now Tik Tok have been stealing the lion share of the limelight in recent years, but platforms like Pinterest still have millions of dedicated, daily users. So, there is a high chance your target market is using Pinterest, especially if they are young and/or female, this, coupled with the fact that Pinterest […]

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