3 Ways to Use Cross-Selling to Sell More Kindle Books

There are a million techniques and strategies you can implement to help you shift more Kindle books, however, some of the most simple ones are still the most effective. Among these simple, tried and tested strategies is cross selling. In this article I’m going to break down how you can cross sell effectively to drive […]

6 Ways of Finding and Securing Speaking Engagements as A Kindle Author

Finding and securing high quality speaking engagements to promote your books and your author brand is not a simple task. It requires carefully planning and perseverance, but it can be done and when it is achieved it really is worth it. In this article I am going to break down the main ways you can […]

6 Ways To Promote Your Kinde Book On Pinterest

Facebook, Twitter and now Tik Tok have been stealing the lion share of the limelight in recent years, but platforms like Pinterest still have millions of dedicated, daily users. So, there is a high chance your target market is using Pinterest, especially if they are young and/or female, this, coupled with the fact that Pinterest […]

5 Ways To Get Your Kindle Book Seen By More People

social media advertising can really raise the exposure of your book and lead to sales

You could have written the most interesting, exciting and captivating book in the world but if no one knows it exists then you’re not going to get the recognition, respect, and revenue, you deserve. Having your book seen by a large proportion of your target market is harder now than ever, as the Kindle marketplace […]

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