Facebook, Twitter and now Tik Tok have been stealing the lion share of the limelight in recent years, but platforms like Pinterest still have millions of dedicated, daily users.
So, there is a high chance your target market is using Pinterest, especially if they are young and/or female, this, coupled with the fact that Pinterest is relatively under utilised by other authors promoting their Kindle books means that it can be a super powerful way of you promoting your book and author brand with less effort and less cost compared to the other social networks.
1. Reach Out To Current Fans And Potential New Fans.
Often when people start using Pinterest to market their new Kindle book, they get so bogged down with creating/finding the perfect image to pin, that they forget that actually manually reaching out to other relevant Pinterest users is an equally good way of raising awareness of your new Kindle book and hopefully generating some sales.
So, use the Pinterest search feature to find images that are related to your book, or images on the topic of books and literature in general, and then follow the person who pinned the images that most relate to your book as well as some of the people that have liked or repined that image.
A good proportion of these people will follow you back. This way you can start, slowly and steadily, building up a follower base of your relevant target market that you can then reach out to, educating them about your new Kindle book and persuading them to check it out.
2. Pin Frequently And Consistently.
This can not be overstated. Pinning frequently, consistently, is very important if you are to be successful using Pinterest to promote and market your book. A lot of Kindle authors pin a handful of images, don’t see any immediate traction, get discouraged and then abandon their Pinterest account completely.
You need to pin consistently to start seeing some real results, and the results will compound the longer you are pinning and the more consistently you do so.
3. Share Attractive Quote Images From Your Kindle Book.
When you are posting on Pinterest you need to spend some time looking around to see what sort of images within your niche are getting the most views, likes, comments and repins.
This will give you a key indication of the sorts of content that are resonating with your target market on Pinterest. You will be wise to follow the trend and try and post similar images to the ones that are already doing well to save you lots of time and effort in trial and error.
A type of image that has consistently done well on Pinterest, across all categories, since it’s inception, are quote images. So, we highly recommend turning short snippets of your book into attractive colourful quote images.
This isn’t as tricky and complicated as it sounds as there are loads of easy to use design tools out there like Canva, that have quote image templates, where all you have to do is paste your quote in and click export. The result being gorgeous, attractive, appealing quote images, ready for Pinterest.
4. Share Book Recommendation Images.
Another type of image that does well on Pinterest, specifically for books, are book recommendation images. These are images that have a collection of the books you are reading right now/interested in around a specific topic/genre.
People love exploring new things and being given relevant recommendations that appeal to them. This is especially true of Pinterest users, a large proportion of whom are on the app for inspiration/recommendations more than anything else.
5. Place Pin Buttons On Your Wesite.

Another way of getting more traction on Pinterest and raising the awareness of your profile and all the images inside it is by doing as much as possible to generate traffic to your Pinterest profile from outside of Pinterest.
A really good way of doing this is by placing pin buttons on your website and telling your followers on other platforms to check out your Pinterest profile. The more activity your Pinterest profile will get, the more exposure it will get on the app, garnering even more eyeballs and activity as a result. A positive feedback loop.
6. Watch The Data And Do More Of What Works.
This is absolutely crucial. As well as posting frequently and consistently (point 2) you need to keep a close eye on which type of images are performing well and which aren’t over a given time frame.
Armed with this knowledge you can do more of what is resonating with the Pinterest audience and less that isn’t and thus making your Pinterest profile a lot more effective and successful at promoting and marketing your Kindle book.