5 Ways To Get Your Kindle Book Seen By More People

social media advertising can really raise the exposure of your book and lead to sales

You could have written the most interesting, exciting and captivating book in the world but if no one knows it exists then you're not going to get the recognition, respect, and revenue, you deserve.

Having your book seen by a large proportion of your target market is harder now than ever, as the Kindle marketplace becomes more crowded and Kindle readers become even more spoilt choice.

There are, however, a handful of cost-effective ways you can really raise the exposure of your Kindle book and have it seen and noticed by more of your target market and I am going to cover these below.

1. Explore the GoodReads Author Program.

The GoodReads author program can do wonders for your Kindle book promotion.
Image Source: GoodReads

Join the GoodReads Author programme that has over 65 million members where you can create your own profile showcasing your book, organise book giveaways and host discussions about your book.

2. Invest In Social Media Advertising.

Social media advertising can let you get the word out about your Kindle book.
Image Source: “LoboStudio Hamburg” via PixaBay.com

 Use paid social media ads on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or LinkedIn to reach the target market for your book. The ad can just introduce them to your book or be more direct and offer them a discount if they purchase. If you are smart with targeting, a modest budget can be surprisingly effective. Be sure to only spend what you can afford.

3. Reach Out To Review Sites.

Getting Kindle review sites to write you up can lead to a lot of traffic and sales.
Image Source: Donetello Trisolino via Pexels.com

Reach out to self-published book review sites like thekindlebookreview.net and lovebooksgroup.com and request them to review your Kindle book. If they accept, the review could be read by thousands of visitors, including your target market. And it wouldn't be surprising if you get a notable uptick in your Kindle book page traffic and some sales off the back of the reviews.

4. Engage In Blog/Forum Commenting.

Blog and forum commenting is a tried and tested way of raising exposure and sales.
Image Source: Miguel A via Pexels.com

Visit blogs and forums that are relevant to your book topic and write useful, engaging and interesting comments, linking to your book in a non-spammy way, if the forum/blog allows it. This method is only effective if the comments are not just promotional and are genuinely useful, insightful and interesting.

5. Utilize Your Network.

Old fashioned networking can really promote your book.
Image Source: GDJ via PixaBay.com.

So many authors underestimate the power of their network, so even if you think you don’t have one, you likely do. So, reach out to all relevant friends, work colleagues, ex-work colleagues and family members via social media, phone or email, and let them know about your new Kindle book with a personalised message, and crucially, encourage them to tell 3-5 other people to spread the message far and wide.

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