5 Ways To Come Up With The Perfect Kindle Book Title

Reading book with a hot drink

Coming up with an attractive, interesting and eye-catching book title is a task that is deceptively simple. You likely think “I'm an author who writes thousands of words, how hard can it be to string together a short phrase for a book title. For many authors, as they find out, this could not be further from the truth.

The thing that makes book titles so hard to write is because authors quickly remember how crucially important the title is to the success of a book, as it's one of the first things a potential buyer notices and pays attention to. This knowledge sometimes brings with it anxiety that makes coming up with a book title even more difficult.

But, all is not lost, follow my handy tips below, and I'm confident that you should come up with a title that you are proud of and that helps you on the road to Kindle success.

1. Skim Read Your Book.

Skim read your book to help you come up with book title ideas.
Image Source: ThoughtCatalogue via PixaBay.

This one might sound really obvious but is often overlooked. Skim read your book more than once and jot down any phrases or words that really capture your attention. Now look at all the phrases and/or words you have written down and think up ways that they can be worked into a book title.

2. Think About The Book Themes.

Thinking about book themes will help title idea generation.
Image Source: Anncapictures via PixaBay

Think about the main themes/ideas in the book and write them down and then use that as a starting point for your brainstorming to arrive at a final theme-based book title. If you think your book doesnā€™t have any recurring or prominent themes/ideas then look a little harder, almost all books do.

3. Think About The Main Character.

Thinking about the main characters can spark book title idea generation.
Image Source: AbsalutVision via PixaBay

Think about the main character in the book and what makes them unique or important to the story and write down the words that spring to mind and use them as a starting point for coming up with a character based book title. This works especially well for fiction books.

4. Research Best Sellers.

Research best sellers for book title inspiration.
Image Source: Amazon.com

Have a close look at the book titles on the Amazon or Barnes & Noble best seller lists for the theme/category your book is in. Work your way down the list and note the titles that grab your attention and ask yourself why, then try and create unique titles in the style of the book titles that grabbed your attention.

Alternatively, you may notice a big similarity in the titles of a large number of the books in the best sellers list of your books genre, often this is for a good reason, because that style works. Work to isolate the main elements that make up the book title trend and use it as a template for your own unique book title that follows that trend.

5. Use An Online Book Generator.

Get technical and use an online book title generator.
Image Source: VloveLand via PixaBay

If all else fails, count on technology and use a book title generator to come up with a stream of novel and unique book titles. If you do this for long enough you are bound to land on something you like the look of.

There are lots of general and genre-specific book title generators online that can be found with a quick Google search. A really popular general book title generator is ā€˜blog.reedsy.com/book-title-generatorā€.

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