6 Ways To Know If You Have What It Takes To Succeed As A Kindle Writer

Do you really have what it takes to be a Kindle writer? The gurus make it seems so effortless, right? But there is a lot more to it than most of them lead you to believe. In this article, I'm going to break down the main elements that I think are required to become a truly successful, effective Kindle writer…

1.   Are You Insanely Passionate?

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Image Source: Randalyn Hill via Unsplash

One of the main ingredients you need when it comes to succeeding as a Kindle book writer is high levels of passion. If you are truly passionate it will show in every sentence you write and you will produce a product that is better than your competitors that aren’t passionate. This passion will also drive you to continue with your Kindle book at times you aren’t feeling particularly good or motivated.

2. Are You Disciplined?

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Image Source: Estee Jenssens via Unsplash

Discipline is highly important when it comes to succeeding as a Kindle book writer. Writing a book well takes tremendous time and effort. If you are not disciplined then you will easily get side-tracked and distracted.

If you are undisciplined, in the best case it will end up taking you much longer to complete the book than it should have done and in the worst case you may get so distracted that the book never gets finished. Having discipline is crucial to keeping you on track and on task and to having you finish the book in a decent time frame.

3.  Are You Perseverant?

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Image Source: Christin Hume via Unsplash

Perseverance is crucially important to being successful as a Kindle writer. There will inevitably be times when you are feeling low, down and unmotivated and times when you hit a writer’s block or a sapped of energy.

Most Kindle authors give up when they reach times like this, which is why so many Kindle books go unfinished. So, you need to have a high level of perseverance to push through all of those times and to get your Kindle book finished and released to the world.

4.   Do You Take Criticism Well?

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Image Source: Markus Winkler via Unsplash

If you are to be a successful Kindle author then you need to be able to take criticism well. Even the best Kindle authors face criticism and how you take criticism is one of the things that separate successful Kindle authors from unsuccessful ones.

Unsuccessful Kindle authors often take criticism personally and are defensive in response to it and let it dissuade them from writing. Conversely, successful Kindle authors take criticism very well. They listen to the criticism carefully and use it as advice to improve their writing and get even better.

5.   Are You Hardworking?

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Image Source: Jordan Whitfield via Unsplash

There is no escaping hard work. If you are someone who is looking for a short cut and quick way of producing a Kindle book that will earn you lots of money, then you are not going to be successful long term.

The most successful Kindle authors know that there is no getting away from hard work and work tremendously hard to produce Kindle masterpieces that provide tremendous value to their readers, and when they do this, the large volume of sales and thus money comes as a pleasant by-product of that.

6.   Are You Creative?

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Image Source: Alice Dietrich via Unsplash

Being creative is essential to being successful as a Kindle author. Creativity becomes more important to Kinde success as the years go on as more and more authors enter into the Kindle system, making things very competitive. Only the most creative Kindle authors are successful in this competitive Kindle arena.

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