5 Ways You Can Improve Your Vocabulary To Improve Your Book Writing.

Reading from a wide range of material can improve your vocabulary

Coming up with an attractive, interesting and eye-catching book title is a task that is deceptively simple. You likely think “I'm an author who writes

Having a broad vocabulary is essential to good Kindle book writing. You’re going to struggle to paint vivid images in the readers mind and truly interest, excite and engage them if you have a limited word pool to draw from.

Thankfully, widening your vocabulary, and crucially, making the new words stick, is easier now that ever.

Below I have covered a handful of ways that I have improved my vocabulary over a short period of time and hopefully one or more of the below tips will work for you too.

1. Read More From A Wider Range of Sources.

One of the best way of improving your vocabulary is reading more, and from a wider range of material.
Image Source: Pexels via PixaBay

Reading more, and more importantly, reading more from a wide variety of sources is a surefire way of improving your vocabulary. The more you read and the more diverse the sources and topics are that you read from, the better.

2. Challenge Yourself To Use Newly Learnt Words In Everyday Life.

New words have a better chance of sticking if you actively use them.
Image Source: CandidShots via PixaBay

The best way to ensure you can utilise the new words you learn successfully in your writing is to use the words in everyday life so they become more ingrained and embedded in your mind and so that you learn their meaning fully in order to use them most effectively in your writing.

3. Look Up Words You Don't Recognise.

Looking up words you don't understand can broaden your vocabulary.
Image Source: Free-Photos via PixaBay

Get into the habit of looking up words you come across in daily life, either written or spoken, that are unfamiliar to you. It’s only when we know the meaning of words that we can truly understand them and commit them to long term memory so they can be later retrieved and used effectively and correctly in our writing.

4. Use Word Puzzles And Games.

Word puzzles and games really can improve your vocabulary.
Image Source: StevePB via PixaBay

Crosswords are very good at getting your brain working hard to search your memory for words you do know but don’t often use. Doing this helps you move more words from your memory banks to your working set of vocabulary so they can be used in your writing.

There are tonnes of other word games, including board games, that can help you learn new words and make them easier to recall in the future. Some popular ones include hangman, Scrabble, word searches, Pictionary, Balderdash, and more recently, Words With Friends.

5. Use Mnemonics And Word Associations.

Mnemonics and word associations help new words stick.
Image Source: Free-Photos via PixaBay

Using mnemonics and word associations will allow you to commit the new words you have learned to memory more effectively so they can be readily called upon when you’re writing.

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