5 Ways of Using Live Video To Get Kindle Book Feedback, Motivate Yourself & Grow Sales.

1.   Get Their Thoughts On Your Latest Book.

Image Source: Markus Winkler via Unsplash

One of the biggest benefits of having a one to one or group video calls with your Kindle book customers is to get their true thoughts on your latest book, the good and the bad, so you can use that feedback to write more effectively in the future.

People will often divulge more information, and more readily, when spoken to in an informal way via video chat where there is a real connection as it most closely mimics real face to face communication. Asking the same questions via email, social media or even over the phone would be unlikely to yield as truthful or as detailed responses.

2. Find Out What They Would Like More Of.

Image Source: Katya Austin via Unsplash

One to one and group video calls are an excellent way of finding out from your current customers what sort of books they would like to read in the future.

In the best-case scenario, you can use this valuable information to guide your next book writing decision and have a ready-made market for the book when it comes out.

3.  Find Out What The Strengths And Weaknesses In Your Marketing Are.

Image Source: Carlos Muza via Unsplash

Video calls with your previous customers and especially potential customers are a great way of finding out what the strengths and weaknesses in your Kindle book marketing are.

You can ask them questions like “did my Kindle book listing accurately describe the book you purchased?” and “what about my marketing efforts turned you off?” and conversely “what about my listing and/or marketing efforts most persuaded you to purchase my book?”.

This is valuable information that you can act upon, enabling you to refine and improve your marketing efforts so you can sell a higher number of Kindle books in the future.

4.   Build A Deeper Connection With Your Fans.

Image Source: Toa Heftiba Via Unsplash

An added benefit of having one to one and group video calls with your Kindle book customers is to build a deeper a connection with these customers.

Often, if they have taken the time and effort to come on video call with you then they really care about your books and find real value in them. And the more you nurture and strengthen this relationship with them the higher the chance of them making more Kindle book purchases, and crucially, telling their friends and family about your Kindle books and recommending your books to them.

5.   Motivate Yourself By Hearing From And Seeing Your Fans.

Image Source: Evan Hancock via Unsplash

An added benefit of having one to one and group video calls with your Kindle book customers is to build a deeper a connection with these customers.

Often, if they have taken the time and effort to come on video call with you then they really care about your books and find real value in them. And the more you nurture and strengthen this relationship with them the higher the chance of them making more Kindle book purchases, and crucially, telling their friends and family about your Kindle books and recommending your books to them.

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